Teen Confirmation ProgramRegistration is now closed!
The Confirmation Ceremony will be May 25th. We require that all teens in our program attend every Sunday class, the two retreats, and the scheduled service project during their Confirmation year.
Schedule: September 14th - Kick-Off Retreat
September 15th - First Day of Classes September 22nd - No Confirmation Class (8th Grade Retreat) September 29th - Confirmation Class October 6th - Confirmation Class October 13th - Confirmation Class October 20th - Confirmation Class October 27th - Confirmation Class November 3rd - Confirmation Class November 10th - Confirmation Class November 17th - Confirmation Class November 24th - Confirmation Class December 1st - Confirmation Class December 8th - Confirmation Class December 15th - Confirmation Class/Service Project Day December 22nd - No Confirmation Class (Merry Christmas!) December 29th - No Confirmation Class (Happy New Year!) January 5th - Confirmation Class January 12th - Confirmation Class January 19th - Confirmation Class January 24-28th - Confirmation Weekend Retreat! February 2nd - Confirmation Class & Sponsor Day February 9th - Confirmation Class February 16th - No Confirmation Class (President's Day Weekend) February 23rd - Confirmation Class March 2nd - Confirmation Class March 9th - Confirmation Class March 16th - Confirmation Class March 23rd - Confirmation Class March 30th - Confirmation Class April 6th - Confirmation Class April 13th - No Confirmation Class (Palm Sunday) April 20th - No Confirmation Class (Happy Easter!) April 27th - Confirmation/JPII Anniversary Party (Divine Mercy Sunday) May 4th - Confirmation Class May 11th - No Confirmation Class (Happy Mother's Day!) May 18th - Confirmation Class (tentative) May 25th - CONFIRMATION MASS (11 am) |
Teen Confirmation| SUNDAYS | 10:30 am - 12:30 am |
Center Rooms 1 & 2 Open to youth 7th grade (or age equivalent) - 17 years old who have not yet received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Please note that your child must be age 12 by the START of Confirmation preparation. **Please note: All Confirmandi and leaders must attend a Mass outside of the 11am**